100 Questions of Science - 5

  1. What is SI unit of Pressure? - Pascal
  2. Which scientist was the first to use the word 'troposphere'? – Teisserenc de Bort
  3. What kind of waves reaches Earth on the sun? - as a short wave
  4. Where is the highest number of islands? - Pacific Ocean
  5. Which is the most saline ocean? - Van lake in Turkey
  6. What kind of soil is built under desert or sub-desert climate conditions? - Aridisol
  7. What are the plants that grow in water? - Hydrophytes
  8. What type of flora is available in the Malabar region? - Rainforests
  9. The onion-garlic odor is due to the presence of which element? – Sulphur Containing compound
  10. What is the scientific name of potato? – Solanum Tuberosum  (Solanaceae Family)
  11. Which part of the cinnamon tree is obtained from? - bark
  12. Whose oil is obtained from turpentine? - From pines tree
  13. Who invented the airplane in the beginning of 20th century? - Wright Brothers
  14. Which place is largest coal exporter harbor in the world? - New Castle, Sydney (Australia)
  15. Which of the following is a special requirement for digesting food in the stomach? - Enzyme
  16. Carbon is the most pure form - Diamond
  17. The polluted gas emitted from vehicles is mainly? - Carbon monoxide
  18. What is the wax from petroleum? - Paraffin wax
  19. What is the reason for lemon sour? - Citric acid
  20. What is the result of the production of alcohol? - Fermentation
  21. Will a 1.5m tall person have the minimum length required for a mirror to see its full image? - 0.75m
  22. Which part of the plant gets coffee? - From seed
  23. The famous disease of Paddy is 'Khaira Disease', which is caused by? - Reasons deficiency of Zinc
  24. Plants born in the desert are called? - Xerophytes
  25. Who is the inventor of the microphone? - Graham Bell
  26. What is measured by the manometer? - Pressure
  27. What is the device that measures the intensity of the Sun's rays and radiation? - Actinometer
  28. What is the absorbing metal of hydrogen? - Palladium
  29. Placing a green layer of green carbonate on a metal is stored on the air for a while. What is that metal? - Copper
  30. How do stars get their energy? – Nuclear Reaction
  31. What is the example of rusting on iron? - Oxidation
  32. Which gas is lighter than air? - Ammonia
  33. From which country did the word chemistry (chemical) originate? - from Egypt
  34. Who was first awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry? - J. H. van’t Hoff
  35. Who discovered the proton? – Rutherford
  36. Who discovered electron?- J.J. Thomson
  37. Who discovered Neutron? – James Chadwick
  38. What is the mass number in Atomic Nucleus? – Total Number of protons and Neutrons
  39. Which isotopes are used in radioactive age notation to find the age of rocks? - Uranium
  40. What are 'isotone'? - Neutrons Number same and Proton number different
  41. What is the gas mixture of carbon monoxide and nitrogen gas called? – Producer gas
  42. L. P.G. Which gas is the main? - Butane
  43. Camphor (Kapoor) is purified by what method? – Distillation of Bark and Wood
  44. What is the basis of classification of elements in Mendeleev’s Periodic Table? - Atomic mass
  45. What is the useful element in photography? - Silver bromide
  46. What is the polluted gas emitted from the vehicles mainly? - Carbon monoxide
  47. What is a great source of methane gas in India? - Paddy field
  48. Where urea found in the human body? - in urine
  49. Which part of the cell is converted into energy of food? - Mitochondria
  50. Which scientist did the 'cell theory'? – Schwann and Schleiden
  51. Where is uracil found? - RNA In
  52. What is the source of light in the electron microscope? - Electron beam
  53. Peptide bonds are present in between - Amino Acid
  54. Where does protein synthesis occur? - Ribosome
  55. Transformers are used? - Increase or decrease of AC voltages
  56. Which tissue is responsible for secondary growth? - Cambium
  57. What is the 'Norman Borlaug' popular in India? - For Green Revolution
  58. Which tissue does the transport of water in plants? - Xylem
  59. Cotton fibers are found in which part of the plant? – Dispersal of seeds
  60. What is commonly known as sandalwood? – Hemi parasitic tree
  61. What is pollination by sugarcane and wheat? - By air
  62. Who discovered the X rays? - Roentgen
  63. Pitchblende (Uraninite) whose ore is? - Of Radium
  64. What is the chemical name of Limestone? - Calcium Carbonate
  65. What is Dry Ice? - Solid form of CO2
  66. What contains in Pencil Lead? - Graphite
  67. What is the reason of water droplet is spherical in shape? Due to Surface Tension
  68. Why oil spread in water surface? - because Surface Tension of oil is less than water.
  69. What is the law of automobile hydraulic brakes? - Pascal's Law
  70. What deals with the study of lizards? - Saurology
  71. Who coined the term of gene,phenotype and genotype? - Wilhelm Johannsen
  72. What is the function of Rectifiers? - To convert the A.C. into D.C.
  73. Which coal contains 90% of carbon? - Anthracite
  74. How Saccharin made up of? - Toluene?
  75. What is the chemical name of bleaching powder? - Calcium Hypochlorite -Ca(ClO)2
  76. Where phloem tissue found? - Plant
  77. What is the cause of Typhoid Fever? - due to Bacteria
  78. What type of Vitamin helps in clotting the blood? - Vitamin -K
  79. What metal present in Insulin? - Zinc
  80. What does diagnose by ELISE test (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay)?- AIDS Antibodies
  81. What organisms floating on the surface of water? - Plankton
  82. What is the pH value of Human Blood? - 7.35 - 7.45
  83. What is the name of cell of bone formation? - Osteoblasts
  84. What contains in Nail polish remover? - Acetone
  85. What is the scientific name of snake? - Serpentes
  86. What is the chemical name of Aspirin? - Acetyl Salicylic Acid
  87. What is the name of disease cause deficiency if Vitamin-C? - Scurvy
  88. Where effect the scurvy disease in the human body? - Skin
  89. Where is strongest bone in the human body? - Jaw
  90. What is the disease name due to high number of White Blood Cells? - Leukemia (Cancer)
  91. Who discovered polio vaccine? - J.S. Salk
  92. What is Penicillin ? - A Group of Antibiotics
  93. Who discovered hydrogen? - Henry Cavendish
  94. Who discovered Oxygen ? - Joseph Priestly
  95. Who discovered atom? - J.J. Thomson
  96. Who discovered dynamite? - Alfred Nobel
  97. What gas is useful for ripening of green fruits? - Ethylene
  98. Who discovered Chickenpox vaccine? - Michiaki Takahashi
  99. Who discovered Smallpox Vaccine? - Edward Jenner
  100. Which membrane covers lungs? - Pulmonary Pleurae

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