100 Questions of Science - 2

  1. Acceleration generated in any body by an unbalanced force - is proportional to the force.
  2. Neutron is a temporary particle.
  3. The components of atomic nuclei are: proton and neutrons
  4. The study related to the cultivation of ornamental trees and shrubs is called - Arboriculture
  5. Which lens is used in the person's eyeglasses with Nearsightedness problem? - Concave lens
  6. Which lens is used in the person's eyeglasses with Farsightedness problem? - Convex lens
  7. According to Newton's third law of motion, the forces related to action and reaction - should always be engaged on different objects.
  8. 'There is a reaction in the opposite direction of every action and in the opposite direction.' This is - Newton's third law of motion
  9. Whose study is done in mycology? – Fungus
  10. Swimming in water is possible due to Newton's law of motion? - Third Rule
  11. Nucleon names are usually for whom? - Proton or neutron
  12. Positron is a – Anti-electron particle
  13. What is Agro forestry? – Along with agriculture, planting perennial plant on the same land
  14. Which of the following is studied in Exobiology? - Life of other planets and space
  15. Monazite whose ore is? - Thorium
  16. Which of the following is the leading ore of bauxite? - Aluminum
  17. Whose mineral is Cornellite? - Magnesium
  18. Whose ore is 'gun metal'? - Copper, tin and zinc
  19. What is the reason of sharp or hot taste and strong smell of garlic? - Sulfur compounds
  20. Which element is easily soluble in water? - Nitrogen
  21. What is there a kind of heavy water? - Moderator
  22. Paneer, is an example of the following? - Gels
  23. The chemical mixture on one end of the match box is a mixture of the following? - Red phosphorus and sulfur
  24. Which element does not react to oxygen, is it? - Iodine
  25. Which gas is in the normal tube light? – Low pressure of Mercury Vapor with Argon
  26. Scientific 'Edward Jenner' is related to which disease? - Smallpox
  27. What is the disease of kidney disease in humans? - Cadmium (Cd) Poisoning
  28. B.C.G. (Bacillus Calmette Guerin) Vaccine is prevention of which disease? - Tuberculosis
  29. What is the source of oxygen produced during photosynthesis? - Water
  30. Which part of the plant does respiratory activity? - Leaf
  31. Which gas is used to artificially cook raw fruits? - Acetylene
  32. How is the age of trees fixed? - Based on the number of annual rings
  33. Which part of the donor's eye is used in eye donation? - Retina
  34. What is the total number of chromosomes in normal humans? – 46 (Pair of 23 Chromosomes)
  35. Which part of the human body is the longest bone? - Femur (thigh)
  36. Which hormone injection is use to remove milk in the cow and buffaloes' breast? - Oxytocin
  37. Test Tube baby: - A child that is conceived outside the women's body by a scientific process known as In-Vitro fertilization or IVF treatment.
  38. How many pairs of ribs are there in the human body? - 12
  39. Where is the formation of red blood cells in mammals? - In the bone marrow
  40. What is the function of the washing machine based on? - Centrifugation
  41. What is the application of cryogenics? - In space travel, magnetic correction and telemetry
  42. What is the tendency of a fluid surface which makes it acquire the least surface area possible? - Surface Tension
  43. When the air bubble gets up from the bottom of the lake and comes to the upper surface then its size? - Will increase
  44. What is the application of low pressure engines? - In rocket technology
  45. What is the speed of light in a vacuum? - 3 x 108 m / s
  46. What is the principle of jet engines work on? – Conservation of Linear momentum
  47. Who first used the term 'biology'? - Lamark and Travarinus
  48. Who is the father of 'Botany Science'? - Theophrastus
  49. Who is the father of 'medical science'? - Hippocrates
  50. What is the study of pollination by insects? Anthecology
  51. Where is the Forest Research Institute located? - Dehradun
  52. Where is the headquarters of 'Indian Botanical Survey' located? - Kolkata
  53. Who was called as 'Father of taxonomy'? - Carolus Linnaeus
  54. What is the basic unit or smallest taxon of taxonomy / classification? - Species
  55. Who first discovered bacteria? -Van Leeuwenhoek
  56. Where is the true nucleus absent? - In bacteria
  57. Food poisoning arises? - By Clostridium Botulinum
  58. Which crops are helpful in the stabilization of nitrogen? – Leguminous
  59. Leprosy is caused by - Bacteria
  60. The reason of production of curd by milk - lactobacillus
  61. What are the fungi that grow on the bark of trees? - Corticolous
  62. What is the cause of the disease of itching ‘Scabies'? - Fungus
  63. Which two types of lichens are made up of plants? - Fungus and algae
  64. What is the indicator of lichens? - Air Pollution
  65. What is the 'Rhizoid' in place of the root? - In Bryophytes
  66. What are the most chromosomes found in? - In Pteridophytes
  67. Cycas is a living fossil.
  68. Whose 'sago' comes from? -  Cycas
  69. Prop roots are - Adventitious roots
  70. Which part of the roots grows? - From Radicle
  71. What is a type of carrot? - Root
  72. What is the edible part of the turmeric plant? - Rhizome
  73.  Onion is a stem.
  74. Electricity is supplied in homes at 220 volt. 220 volt displays? - Average voltage
  75. What are atoms in the nucleus? - Proton and neutron
  76. Whose unit is ampere? - Electric current
  77. In which classification of anatomy Lobster is associated? - Crustaceans
  78. What is the function of fuse in an electric circuit? - Protects the electric circuit
  79. Ultrasonic waves cannot be heard by humans .
  80. What is the turnover time of geostationary satellite? - 24 hours
  81. What is the frequency of ultraviolet waves? - More than 20,000 Hz
  82. What is the unit of frequency? - HertzWho is the father of medical science? - Hippocrates
  83. Whose unit is Lumen? - Luminous flux
  84. The balloon filled with hydrogen gas is transported from the Earth to the Moon, and then the balloon will - burst on the moon
  85. If a lift is going down with acceleration, then the weight of the person in it –Apparent weight < Real weight
  86. The kerosene oil in the lantern's light climbs up to the equivalent, why? -due to Surface Tension
  87. What the mercury drop in the barometer show a sudden fall? - Storm
  88. If the fan is running in the closed room, the heat of the room air - increases
  89. Hot water takes 10 minutes to cool from 90 ° C to 80 ° C, so it will take time to cool from 80 ° C to 70 ° C - more than 10 minutes
  90. Sound waves cannot run - in vacuum
  91. Transformer is used - to make the alternating voltage high-low
  92. The walls below the dam are made thick, because - the pressure of the fluid increases with increasing depth
  93.  Bleaching Powder is - Compound
  94. Viscosity of gases increases as heat - increases
  95. Water bodies remain alive after the frozen wetlands are found in cold countries because - the water under the ice at 4 ° C
  96. If there was no atmosphere on Earth, then the duration of the day is - more
  97. Electric Motor works as per the following principle - Faraday's rules
  98. Which of the following bomb destroys life, but does not harm the buildings? - Neutron bomb
  99. What is the principle works in a nuclear bomb? - Nuclear Fission
  100. In what order are the fans, bulbs etc engaged in households? - in parallel order

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